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Aesthetic Nurse

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Aesthetic Nurses may perform or help physicians and surgeons perform a variety of procedures, including chemical peels, liposuction, dermabrasion, dermal filler injections, Botox injections, laser hair removal, tattoo removal, collagen replacement therapy, rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty. When they successfully complete their job duties, Aesthetic Nurses ensure that patients receive quality care, lowering the likelihood of medical errors and increasing patient satisfaction. Their role as patient educators also helps to reduce the risk of complications following procedures.
Що робить Aesthetic Nurse?
An Aesthetic Nurse, or Cosmetic Nurse, is a health care professional who cares for patients undergoing cosmetic and dermatological procedures. Their duties include performing procedures, assisting dermatologists and plastic surgeons and educating patients about aftercare instructions.
Aesthetic Nurse має бути в змозі виконувати різні обов'язки та відповідальність. Нижче наведено деякі обов'язки та відповідальність, які Aesthetic Nurse повинен мати можливість виконувати:
  • Interviewing patients to uncover their needs during initial consultation appointments
  • Preparing operating rooms and examination rooms for procedures
  • Performing minimally invasive cosmetic procedures independently
  • Assisting dermatologists and plastic surgeons during more invasive procedures
  • Monitoring patient vital signs and general condition following procedures
  • Maintaining accurate patient records
  • Giving post-procedure instructions to patients
  • Remaining up-to-date on the latest innovations in dermatological and plastic surgical treatments
Необхідні навички
Конкурентоздатний Aesthetic Nurse матиме певні навички та кваліфікацію, зокрема:
  • In-depth knowledge of common dermatological and plastic surgery procedures
  • Verbal communication skills to interact with other health care professionals and provide clear instructions to patients
  • Observation skills to monitor patient status during procedures
  • Interpersonal skills to help patients feel at ease
  • Attentiveness to detail to perform procedures correctly and update records accurately
  • Ability to use the tools and equipment necessary to perform procedures
  • Familiarity with patient records management software
  • Ability to remain upright for long periods during procedures
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