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Finanțe > Estimator
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💰 Finanțe
💰 Finanțe
Estimators typically work for corporations across industries, especially in construction services, to help leaders determine what they need to see a project through to completion. They work closely with contractors and team members to evaluate relative costs or potential risks and conclude whether they can complete a project within the time frame and budget that the client wants. Their job is to perform mathematical calculations and get quotes from vendors to estimate the costs needed for labor and materials.
Ce face un Estimator?
An Estimator is responsible for deciding the projected time frame needed to complete a project and additional factors like labor needs, materials, budgets and potential setbacks. Their duties include communicating with personnel and contractual professionals or vendors, using computer software to weigh production risks or compile reports and making presentations to project leaders outlining their suggestions for upcoming projects.
A Estimator ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Estimator ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Analyzing requirement documents, blueprints and project plans to gain a thorough understanding of the project
  • Determining what factors of production will influence the cost of a service or product
  • Preparing material estimates and cost estimates for the product or service
  • Creating labor estimates for any project
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with company vendors and contractors
  • Managing bids from vendors and contractors
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Estimator va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Proficiency in mathematics, statistics and data analysis
  • Excellent analytical skills and attention to detail
  • Report writing and strategic planning skills
  • Familiarity with analyzing requirement data to develop material and cost estimates for large projects
  • Expertise with analytic tools, such as spreadsheets and database managers
  • Ability to read and interpret technical documents
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