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Credit Analyst

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💰 Finanțe
💰 Finanțe
Credit Analysts typically work for insurance companies, banks, credit agencies or unions and investment companies to ensure the financial stability of loan applicants. They work closely with other credit professionals to weight the risks of potential lenders and investigate financial documents to determine past debts or missed payments. Their job is to use review company lending policies to distinguish qualified applicants from unqualified applicants. They may also be responsible for interacting with current lenders to help them apply for additional loans and follow up with lenders about missed payments.
Ce face un Credit Analyst?
A Credit Analyst, or Commercial Credit Analyst, is responsible for evaluating the financial health of a loan applicant to determine whether to approve their application. Their duties include working with Junior Credit Analysts to investigate a loan applicant’s finances, helping business owners determine the financial risks associated with a potential client and adhering to lending protocols to confirm or deny applicants their loan.
A Credit Analyst ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Credit Analyst ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Enter, update and retrieve information for credit applications.
  • Determine the creditworthiness of applicants.
  • Designate the degree of risk involved in extending credit by performing a cash flow analysis of each business.
  • Ensure that all approved applications comply with bank criteria.
  • Review deals involving junior Credit Analysts and assist them as needed.
  • Assist with bank and client audits.
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Credit Analyst va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Research skills
  • Strong problem-solving, mathematical and analytical skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality
  • Proficiency with computers and computer software, like programs that aid in statistical and financial calculations
  • Proficiency with financial reports and statements
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