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Finanças > Economist
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💰 Finanças


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💰 Finanças
💰 Finanças
Economists can work in an abundance of settings and industries, analyzing market trends and business’ performances to build accurate financial forecasts. They’ll then use these forecasts to advise the organization on the best financial strategies to follow to remain economically stable. After developing financial strategies based on their forecasting, they present these results and technical reports to an organization’s leadership team. Economists typically conduct surveys and practice sampling techniques to better strategize financial strategies for the organizations’ specific industry. They’re also responsible for staying updated on the economic impact of various laws and regulations. Economists use this information to provide suggestions and advice to organizations to help them properly follow these guidelines.
O que faz um Economist?
An Economist, or Research Economist, studies and analyzes the production and distribution of various goods and resources. Their main duties include gathering financial and socioeconomic data and statistics, advising organizations on effective business and financial decisions and building models for economic projections.
Um Economist deve ser capaz de cumprir vários deveres e responsabilidades. A seguir apresentam-se alguns deveres e responsabilidades que um Economist deve ser capaz de desempenhar:
  • Advise individuals, government and businesses on economic subjects.
  • Write papers for academic journals and other media.
  • Interpret and forecast the trends of the market by studying present and historical trends.
  • Advise on solutions to economic problems for a company, government or think tank.
  • Research economic issues such as consumer demand and sales to help the company maximize profits.
  • Analyze collected data by using software, statistics and mathematical models.
Habilidades necessárias
Um Economist competitivo terá determinadas competências e qualificações, incluindo:
  • Economists who have critical thinking skills are able to apply logic and reasoning to solve complicated problems. This can include using data of the national economy and applying it to how it can affect the company itself.
  • Economists need to express their findings in simpler terms to others including their managers and senior executives in an organization or business. They will make presentations and explain their reports or findings to people from various business and educational backgrounds.
  • Economists also present their findings through writing. They create reports and research papers for clients or co-workers, as well as news media and/or governmental organizations.
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