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Administração > Contract Manager
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🚀 Administração

Contract Manager

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🚀 Administração
Contract Managers can work at any employer that enters into a binding agreement with another party to manage documents and correspondence related to their business relationship. They use legal and financial terminology to draft detailed documents explaining business propositions. Contract Managers collaborate with department leaders to set budgets and determine timelines. They meet with potential clients, vendors, distributors and partners to develop a professional relationship and negotiate the term of each agreement. The Contract Manager’s role is to provide a consistent point of contact for both internal employees and external parties to plan, update and execute legal agreements.
O que faz um Contract Manager?
Contract Managers, are responsible for preparing, negotiating and recording business contracts on behalf of their employer. Their duties include researching a contract’s terms, alerting parties to renewals or extensions and tracking all communications between their employer and various accounts.
Um Contract Manager deve ser capaz de cumprir vários deveres e responsabilidades. A seguir apresentam-se alguns deveres e responsabilidades que um Contract Manager deve ser capaz de desempenhar:
  • Craft, evaluate, negotiate and execute a wide variety of different contracts covering a range of transactions.
  • Create and maintain relationships with suppliers and serve as the singular point of contact for matters concerning contracts.
  • Maintain records for correspondence and documentation in relation to established contracts and those in progress.
  • Communicate and present information to stakeholders about all contract-related matters.
  • Monitor contracts and move forward with close-out, extension or renewal according to what’s best for the company.
  • Solve any contract-related problems that may arise with other parties and internally with the company itself.
Habilidades necessárias
Um Contract Manager competitivo terá determinadas competências e qualificações, incluindo:
  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Confidence
  • Finance Skills
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