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HR > Employee Relations Manager
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Employee Relations Manager

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Employee Relations Managers are part of the human resources team and focus on making the company a better place for employees. They’re responsible for building positive relationships with employees, which helps to improve employee satisfaction and can improve employee retention and productivity. They’re involved in a variety of processes, including choosing and creating programs to help staff members and improve recruitment, hiring and training. When employees leave, the Employee Relations Manager might conduct the exit interviews to identify reasons the employees left, which can help them improve the company for other workers.
O que um Employee Relations Manager faz?
The Employee Relations Manager plays an integral role in keeping employees happy and providing them with programs that support their overall well-being.
Um Employee Relations Manager deve ser capaz de cumprir vários deveres e responsabilidades. A seguir estão alguns deveres e responsabilidades que um Employee Relations Manager deve ser capaz de executar:
  • Providing information to employees on counseling, benefits and other services and programs available to them
  • Collecting and analyzing data
  • Inspecting and improving the physical environment, such as lighting and security
  • Creating and conducting training for employees
  • Investigating workplace situations
  • Helping with the recruitment and hiring processes
Habilidades necessárias
Um Employee Relations Manager competitivo terá certas habilidades e qualificações, incluindo:
  • Strong understanding of labor and employment law and employee relations
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills
  • Natural problem-solving ability to improve situations for employees
  • Ability to create effective programs
  • Data analysis skills
  • Conflict resolution skills
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