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Amministrazione > Clerk
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🚀 Amministrazione


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🚀 Amministrazione
🚀 Amministrazione
Clerks are responsible for tasks assigned to them by their office manager or other department employees. Most of these tasks involve working with company documents and internal and external communications.
Cosa fa un Clerk?
A Clerk, or Bookkeeper, is responsible for performing administrative tasks to support daily business operations. Their duties include responding to phone calls or emails, maintaining an organized filing system and restocking office supplies as needed.
Un Clerk dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Clerk dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Updating and storing business files to ensure they are accurate and accessible for other employees
  • Typing reports, letters and other business documents
  • Sorting mail and responding to it or distributing it to appropriate employees
  • Answering telephone calls and emails and redirecting them to other employees when appropriate
  • Issuing invoices and following up outstanding payments
  • Taking dictations and minutes during meetings
Competenze richieste
Un Clerk competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Familiarity with common office processes, including filing, handling mail and directing telephone calls
  • Computer literacy, including familiarity with common word processing, spreadsheet, database and basic accounting software
  • Accurate and efficient typing skills for data entry, taking minutes and dictations, answering emails and typing letters and other documents
  • Verbal communication for addressing other employees, customers and other business contacts
  • Customer service for dealing with members of the public
  • Organization and ability to multitask for filing and completing several clerical and administrative tasks at once
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