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💰 Finanze

Account Clerk

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💰 Finanze
💰 Finanze
Account Clerks can work for any type of business. They ensure financial information and accounting records are accurate and up-to-date. The specifics of the role depend on the size of the company and industry, but most commonly, Account Clerks enter and review financial figures on bank accounts, invoices and account statements. They ensure accuracy in financial reporting so that the company remains solvent and can pay its debts. Some Account Clerks work independently, though most work as part of a team, often under a CPA or other accounting supervisor.
Cosa fa un Account Clerk?
An Account Clerk, also known as an Accounting Clerk, Bookkeeping Clerk or Auditing Clerk, generally performs billing and accounting responsibilities for a business. Their duties include supporting accounts receivable, accounts payable and reconciliations, acting as a cashier to verify receipts and deposits, and preparing and maintaining records among other job obligations.
Un Account Clerk dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Account Clerk dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Creating and maintaining spreadsheets
  • Bookkeeping and general accounting
  • Operating data terminals calculators and other standard office equipment
  • Performing clerical work and interoffice support including receiving and processing mail
  • Maintaining and promoting excellent vendor relations
  • Invoicing and reconciliation for varying departments
  • Assembling, sorting and tabulating codes and filing data
  • Verifying claims and processing orders and deposit slips
Competenze richieste
Un Account Clerk competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Accuracy in accounting
  • Ability to understand the principles and procedures of bookkeeping and record-keeping
  • Knowledge of business-level English, both verbal and written
  • Ability to foster and maintain business and client relationships
  • Proficiency in computer skills and Microsoft Office
  • Physical ability to access filing storage and carry up to 25 pounds
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to explain and interpret fiscal related policies and general accounting
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