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Dialysis Nurse

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💊 Kesehatan
Dialysis Nurses provide patient care in hospitals, dialysis clinics, doctor’s offices and outpatient clinics. They might also provide services within a patient’s home. These professionals are critical in ensuring dialysis treatments are administered correctly and support patient care. The role of a Dialysis Nurse often involves providing an important contact and education point for patients dealing with complex chronic disease management.
Apa pekerjaan seorang Dialysis Nurse?
Dialysis Nurses, or Nephrology Nurses, work with patients who have kidney disease and require dialysis, often providing services in specialty clinics or other medical settings. Job duties you might include on a Dialysis Nurse job description include administering medications, running dialysis machines and assessing fistulas and patient vital signs.
Tanggung jawab
Dialysis Nurse harus mampu memenuhi berbagai tugas dan tanggung jawab. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tugas dan tanggung jawab yang harus dapat dilakukan oleh Dialysis Nurse:
  • Dialysis Nurses provide patient care in hospitals, dialysis clinics, doctor’s offices and outpatient clinics. They might also provide services within a patient’s home. These professionals are critical in ensuring dialysis treatments are administered correctly and support patient care. The role of a Dialysis Nurse often involves providing an important contact and education point for patients dealing with complex chronic disease management.
  • Monitor patients while they provide lengthy treatments to ensure comfort and well-being
  • Monitor patient disease process, vital signs and other information over time to help support the patient and care team.
  • Communicate instructions about fluid intake, medications and other follow-up needs with the patient, ensuring they understand how to best care for themselves between appointments.
  • Because most patients on dialysis have a cross-functional care team, a Dialysis Nurses may need to update and work with a variety of doctors and other providers
Keterampilan yang Diperlukan
Dialysis Nurse yang kompetitif akan memiliki keterampilan dan kualifikasi tertentu, termasuk:
  • In-depth knowledge of kidney health, the use of dialysis machines and how to assess and respond to patients as they undergo dialysis treatment
  • Adept at inserting and managing IVs, calling for excellent IV and phlebotomy skills
  • Ability to communicate with a variety of other care providers and advocate for their patients’ needs
  • Comfortable explaining complex concepts and helping patients and their family caregivers understand fluid and medication protocols and other instructions for best care
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