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Administrasi > Coroner
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🚀 Administrasi


🚀 Administrasi
🚀 Administrasi
Coroners typically work for a court of law or morgue. They help provide answers to law enforcement officers and loved ones of the deceased regarding the circumstances of the deceased’s death. Their job is to uphold the justice system by providing a cause of death for an individual, and they also play an important role in identifying the deceased, confirming their identity and notifying their loved ones if necessary. They may also be responsible for appearing in court when foul play is involved, to describe their thoughts on the cause of death.
Apa pekerjaan seorang Coroner?
A Coroner, or Forensic Examiner, is responsible for determining the cause of death of an individual. Their duties include visiting crime scenes to examine a body, transporting the body to the morgue and conducting an internal and external examination of the body to determine the actual cause of death.
Tanggung jawab
Coroner harus mampu memenuhi berbagai tugas dan tanggung jawab. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tugas dan tanggung jawab yang harus dapat dilakukan oleh Coroner:
  • Observe and record positions and conditions of bodies and evidence
  • Perform medical examinations to determine time, circumstances and cause of death
  • Observe and record physiological features to aid in the identification of victims
  • Complete death certificates to include the manner of death
  • Create and maintain records related to death investigations
  • Record and preserve objects related to death
Keterampilan yang Diperlukan
Coroner yang kompetitif akan memiliki keterampilan dan kualifikasi tertentu, termasuk:
  • Medical knowledge to diagnose and treat human injuries and diseases
  • Knowledge of applicable laws and regulations for the legal jurisdiction
  • Proficiency with record-keeping methods, either electronic or on paper
  • Knowledge of judicial processes and court proceedings
  • Ability to communicate with the public in both verbal and written form
  • Ability to supervise, coordinate and direct the actions of others
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