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PM > CEO Chief Executive Officer
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🕒 PM

CEO Chief Executive Officer

🕒 PM
🕒 PM
CEO typically work for small, medium-sized or large corporations across a range of industries to provide leadership and insights into company operations. They work closely with other company executives to determine ways to promote the longevity of their company. Their job is to review financial reports, participate in board meetings and review suggestions from managers and employees to maximize employee productivity. They may also act as a spokesperson for their company to give quotes to media personnel in response to upcoming company events and product launches or legal matters.
Apa pekerjaan seorang CEO Chief Executive Officer?
A CEO Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ,or Chief Operating Officer (COO), is responsible for performing duties as the highest-ranking executive within a corporation to guide company practices and procedures. Their duties include overseeing company operations, communicating between board members and other company executives and making important decisions that impact the company’s brand identity and financial health.
Tanggung jawab
CEO Chief Executive Officer harus mampu memenuhi berbagai tugas dan tanggung jawab. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tugas dan tanggung jawab yang harus dapat dilakukan oleh CEO Chief Executive Officer:
  • Act as the figurative head of the organization when communicating with stockholders, government entities and the general public.
  • Lead the development of the organization’s long- and short-term strategies.
  • Manage overall operations and make major decisions affecting the organization.
  • Manage the organization’s resources.
  • Negotiate or approve agreements and contracts for the organization.
  • Manage company organizational structure.
  • Communicate with the board of directors.
  • Assess and minimize risks to the company.
Keterampilan yang Diperlukan
CEO Chief Executive Officer yang kompetitif akan memiliki keterampilan dan kualifikasi tertentu, termasuk:
  • Good communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Prioritization and delegation skills
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