Anesthesiologists work at hospitals, clinics and private practices as part of a patient’s medical or surgical team. Some Anesthesiologists work at teaching hospitals where they instruct medical interns, residents and fellows on best practices through hands-on training and mentorship. Anesthesiologists can specialize in a particular field, such as pediatric anesthesiology or chronic pain treatment. Anesthesiologists meet with a patient before surgeries and discuss their care plan which can include administering local or general anesthesia using injections or intravenous lines. They decide the level of sedation a patient needs and determine when to start and stop treatment to keep them safe.
Hvad gør en -NAVN-?
An Anesthesiologist is a medical doctor who is in charge of managing pain and patient sedation before, during and after medical procedures. Their duties include studying medication interactions to select medications, communicating with patients about pain management plans and collaborating with other doctors and surgeons to limit discomfort and relieve pain during an operation.
Et Anesthesiologist bør være i stand til at udføre forskellige pligter og ansvar. Følgende er nogle pligter og ansvarsområder en Anesthesiologist bør kunne udføre:
Evaluating patients’ vital signs, medical histories, allergies, current medication use, and other risk factors
Working with a medical team to design a patient’s treatment plan
Supervising nurses when they administer anesthesia to patients before procedures
Monitoring vital signs of the patient during surgery and adjusting anesthetics as needed
Maintaining detailed notes on patient treatment, dosing and vital signs
Continuing care after surgery to control the level of pain relief and consciousness
Communicating continuing care instructions to specialists and nurses
Nødvendige færdigheder
En konkurrencedygtig Anesthesiologist vil have visse færdigheder og kvalifikationer, herunder:
Proficient knowledge of various medications and their uses
Extensive knowledge of physiological and organ support techniques to use during surgical prodcures
Ability to remain calm and focused during procedures
Highly detail-oriented to design treatment plans and keep accurate records
Excellent communication skills to relay information clearly to medical teams and patients
Compassion with patients who may be experiencing pain or discomfort
Lignende tilbud
Hvis du rekrutterer til stillinger relateret til et Anesthesiologist, se vores jobbeskrivelser for lignende roller: