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Jiný > Camp Counselor
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Camp Counselor

💎 Jiný
💎 Jiný
Camp Counselors are typically employed to entertain children and teach them new skills. They do this by brainstorming creative activities and games involving swimming, fishing, hiking and camping. Camp Counselors may also learn first aid and CPR to be prepared for any potential injuries the campers may experience. Other responsibilities involve greeting campers when they first arrive, explaining and enforcing camp rules and providing emotional support to campers struggling to adjust to the environment.
Co dělá Camp Counselor?
A Camp Counselor, or Summer Camp Counselor, is responsible for supervising campers and keeping them safe. Their duties include teaching children and teenagers outdoor and recreational skills, overseeing and planning camp activities and learning and implementing emergency protocol efforts to ensure the protection of campers.
Camp Counselor by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Camp Counselor být schopen vykonávat:
  • Organizing team games such as soccer, softball and basketball, explaining the rules and acting as referee or umpire throughout the game
  • Leading activities such as crafts and art, demonstrating various techniques and encouraging children to come up with ideas
  • Communicating with parents, providing updates where required and answering questions about the camp
  • Checking on children with medical needs to ensure they have taken any required medication
  • Providing guidance, motivation and support all camp visitors
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Camp Counselor bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • First aid training to be able to respond to minor injuries or illnesses
  • Health and safety knowledge to help keep all campers safe
  • Excellent communication skills to convey camp procedures to all visitors
  • Leadership skills to guide and motivate campers throughout their stay
  • Interpersonal skills to build positive relationships with campers under their care
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