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PM > Business Intelligence Analyst
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🕒 PM

Business Intelligence Analyst

🕒 PM
🕒 PM
Business Intelligence Analysts typically work for corporations across industries as members of the IT or business development departments. They work closely with the IT department, Business Development Officers and department heads to improve daily operations. Their job is to use data visualization and mining software programs to make inferences about customer satisfaction, employee productivity, employee retention, workplace culture and sales quotas. They may also be responsible for hiring Data Analysts and Architects to aid in organizing and retrieving data points.
Co dělá Business Intelligence Analyst?
A Business Intelligence Analyst, or Business Intelligence Specialist, is responsible for managing data retrieval and analysis within an organization. Their duties include organizing data points, communicating between upper management and the IT department and analyzing data to determine a corporation’s needs.
Business Intelligence Analyst by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Business Intelligence Analyst být schopen vykonávat:
  • Developing and managing business intelligence solutions for the organization
  • Providing reports through office applications to improve business processes
  • Collaborating with team members for the purpose of collecting data and executing the company’s mission
  • Analyzing business requirements and processes and recommending them to the management and executives for implementation
  • Creating and maintaining documentation that includes the design, requirements and user manuals for the organization
  • Identifying the development needs for the purpose of streamlining and improving the operations of the organization for efficiency and profitability
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Business Intelligence Analyst bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, listening and presentation skills
  • The ability to work both as a team and independently
  • Excellent problem solving and analytical skills
  • Technological and computer knowledge
  • Proper knowledge on business policies and regulations
  • An understanding of budgeting procedures, methods, evaluation criteria and resource planning
  • Strong management and leadership skills
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